Latest College News

New prefabricated buildings funded by state Proposition 84 and donations by longtime reserve supporters the Trailfinders

New cabins foster community at James Reserve

Nestled in a canyon on the western slope of San Jacinto Peak, the James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve is a place dear to the hearts of many. Educators Harry and Grace James bought the site in 1941 as a campsite for their Trailfinders School for Boys. In the 1960s, the couple sold the land to...
By Kathleen Wong | UCR NRS |
Virus /

UCR team receives COVID-19 research grant

A UC Riverside research team is among 20 groups receiving funding to investigate problems related to COVID-19. Elena Kozlova, a doctoral student in the Neuroscience Graduate Program, is working with Margarita Curras-Collazo, an associate professor of neuroscience, on the project. They are partnering with Ruth Gutiérrez Aguilar, a professor of medicine at the National Autonomous...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
Botanic Gardens online Plant Sale

UCR Botanic Gardens online Plant Sale 2020

For over four decades the UCR Botanic Gardens has hosted the largest plant sale events in the Inland Empire. These events were recently redesigned to focus on plants propagated from our own unique collection and bring in local vendors to broaden the selection of plants suitable for the inland region. Currently, due to the 2020...
By UCR Botanic Gardens Staff |
Dr. Nathaniel Gabor with "monster model"

Creating through crises

As the coronavirus pandemic continues across the U.S., many are finding that discovering and engaging in creative hobbies offers a welcome outlet for stress and anxiety. But sustaining the motivation to create during times of high stress can be challenging. Members of the UCR community share the ways they have been exploring their own creativity...
By Jessica Weber | UCR News |
Keen Hall entrance

UCR Stem Cell Core Approved for Phase 2

The Stem Cell Core is Open for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Approved Researchers If you have been approved to resume research on campus by your respective Dean: Contact Dr. Rachel Behar ( if you want to get started working in the Stem Cell Core again. Ask your PI to send written confirmation to Rachel...
National Science Foundation logo (c) NSF

Eleven UC Riverside professors receive prestigious NSF CAREER Awards

Eleven UC Riverside faculty members received 2019 National Science Foundation CAREER Awards, more than in any previous year. Seven of these prestigious awards, which support early career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models and lead to the advancement of their organization’s mission, went to women — another record for UC...
By Holly Ober | Inside UCR |
Susan Nguyen

CNAS Graduate student awarded predoctoral fellowship by American Epilepsy Society

Susan Nguyen, a graduate student at UC Riverside, has been awarded a predoctoral fellowship by the American Epilepsy Society. The one-year fellowship, which began July 1, will support part of Nguyen’s thesis work. “I will be looking at how an innate immune receptor present in the brain changes after brain injury and its role in...
By Iqbal Pittalwala | Inside UCR |
Dr. Manuela Martins-Green in lab

Professor honored for Academic Senate service

Manuela Martins-Green, chair of the Department of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology at UC Riverside, has received the 2020 Oliver Johnson Award for Distinguished Leadership in the Academic Senate. The award is the highest honor given out by the University of California, bestowed biennially to a member of the UC faculty who has performed outstanding...
By Iqbal Pittalwala | Inside UCR |
Dr. Haibo Yu

Grant awarded to physicist to explore the dark sector

The John Templeton Foundation has supported research on a diverse range of subjects including creativity, forgiveness, and free will. Dark matter — nonluminous material in space that is understood to constitute 85 percent of the matter in the universe — can now be added to the list. The foundation has awarded UC Riverside physicist Hai-Bo...
By Iqbal Pittalwala | Inside UCR |
UCR Botanic Gardens, two students in the Rose Garden

UCR Botanic Gardens reopens with new safety precautions

The UCR Botanic Gardens reopened to the public Monday (9 am - 12 pm) after more than three months of closure due to the coronavirus pandemic. The 40-acre living plant museum, which has more than 3,500 plant species, is the first major area of the campus to reopen. The Botanic Gardens is following state guidelines...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
Dr. Ashraf El-kereamy

El-kereamy named Director of UC Lindcove Research & Extension Center

Ashraf El-kereamy will be the new director of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources' Lindcove Research & Extension Center, starting on July 1, 2020. He will continue to serve as a UC Cooperative Extension specialist in the Department of Botany & Plant Sciences at UC Riverside and based at Lindcove Research & Extension Center. “Elizabeth Grafton-Cardwell...
By Pamela Kan-Rice | UC Agriculture and Natural Resources |
UC Riverside HUB with students walking

Four professors honored with Senate Faculty Awards

Four UC Riverside faculty members were honored by the Graduate Division and Academic Senate with 2019-20 Senate Faculty Awards (three of them CNAS faculty), announced in a letter on June 16. Kate Sweeny, a professor of psychology; and Flip Tanedo, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy; both received the Commitment to Graduate Diversity Award...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
Dr. Nathaniel Gabor in backyard

Summer Physics Academy moves online due to pandemic

The popular Summer Physics Academy held each year by the UCR Department of Physics and Astronomy for high school teachers has a different format this year. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, all lectures of the 13th Summer Physics Academy are being delivered to the 25 participating high school teachers via Zoom. Hai-Bo Yu, an associate...
By Iqbal Pittalwala | Inside UCR |
Blooming flower at UCR Botanic Gardens (c) UCR / Ilse Ungeheuer

UCR Botanic Gardens reopen June 29

The UCR Botanic Gardens will reopen on June 29, 2020 with restrictions to insure safety of all staff, volunteers, and visitors. At this time no large groups or events are permitted. Please check the website and Botanic Gardens social media for more details. The UCR Botanic Gardens will be open daily from 8:00 am...
By CNAS Communications |
Riverside Mutual Aid, students in field

UCR grads form ‘mutual aid’ network in response to COVID-19

As the number of COVID-19 cases began rising in March, recent UC Riverside graduates Aram Ayra ’18 and John Stefan '20 knew they wanted to do their part to help. They decided to take a community approach that emphasized neighbors helping neighbors, creating the Riverside Mutual Aid Network. “We saw the cases were becoming more...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
"Being Human": Interdisciplinary Mini-Labs

Call for Proposals: "Being Human" — Interdisciplinary Mini-Labs

Applications are invited for interdisciplinary mini-labs on topics related to the theme ‘Being Human’, to be investigated at both conceptual and problem-solving levels. The labs are intended to spark cross-campus collaborations and to seed larger grant initiatives. Conducted in any quarter of 2020/21, each mini-lab will consist of 3 to 5 faculty investigators from colleges...
By UCR Center for Ideas and Society |
Portrait of graduating student

Celebrating the CNAS Class of 2020!

PLEASE JOIN THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES FOR THE CNAS CLASS OF 2020 GRADUATION CELEBRATION CNAS will honor graduating students for their accomplishments and perseverance during their time at UCR. To RSVP for this special live Zoom event, please register as soon as possible. Once capacity is filled for...
Sunset on campus with palm trees

CNAS Statement of Solidarity

CNAS Statement of Solidarity The College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the University of California, Riverside stands in solidarity with the black community against the senseless killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many others. We stand in solidarity against racism, intolerance, and violence in our country. We join the millions worldwide...
By College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences |
Dr. Travis Bean

In Memory of Travis Bean

In Memoriam Travis Bean Asst. Cooperative Extension Specialist in Weed Science, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences (1977 - 2020) Travis Bean, University of California, Riverside Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist in Weed Science in the Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, passed away on May 27, 2020. Travis joined the UCR Department of Botany and...
UCR Citrus Gifts

Citrus Gifts Delivered To Your Door!

Just in time to celebrate your new grad, Citrus Gifts are now available for online ordering at! Citrus Gifts are made with produce from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) Citrus Variety Collection, one of the world’s most diverse living collections of citrus species, and the bee hives managed by UCR Entomology's Center for...
By UCR Dining staff | Inside UCR |
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