Latest College News

Dr. Hongdian Yang

Why some drugs work and others don’t in treating neurological disorders

Neuromodulatory systems in the brain heavily influence behavioral and cognitive processes. Understanding how these systems modulate perceptual behavior is a crucial steppingstone toward unraveling their roles in brain functions. One particular neuromodulatory system is the noradrenergic system. Dysfunction of this system is linked to several neurological disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and post-traumatic...
By Iqbal Pittalwala | Inside UCR |
Multidisciplinary Research Building on campus (c) UCR / Stan Lim 2019

Research plan announced as working groups discuss campus return procedures

Several working groups have begun discussing guidelines for how and when UC Riverside will start allowing more students, staff, and faculty members to return to campus. The Campus Return website provides more details on the ideas under discussion. Research is the first area where on-campus activity can resume, under certain conditions, starting Monday, June 8...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
Plant Research 1 building under construction

Campus construction continues to make progress

A new student housing complex is one of several UC Riverside projects making progress while much of the campus remains empty. Despite the campus closure on March 13, construction has continued at a regular pace as it was deemed an essential service under Gov. Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order. Contractors and subcontractors have put in place...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
In memoriam / Sunset at Sycamore Canyon, Riverside (c) Ilse Ungeheuer

In Memory of Anne Kernan

In Memoriam Ann Kernan UCR Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics (1933 - 2020) Distinguished Professor of Physics Emeritus Anne Kernan passed away on May 11, 2020. She joined the University of California, Riverside in 1967 and retired in 1994 after 27 years of service. She was influential in founding and building the experimental high energy...
Entomology Graduate Student Association (Outreach Efforts of the Year)

Student Life awards 15 organizations for their contributions to UCR and beyond

Each year, UC Riverside’s Student Life office selects 15 exemplary organizations — of the more than 500 student groups that exist — to include in its annual Student Organization Awards celebration. This week, Student Life announced the winners via a virtual Student Organization Awards ceremony. Among the most coveted awards is the Organization of the...
By Sandra Baltazar Martinez | Inside UCR |

Postdoctoral researcher awarded American Physical Society fellowship

Yunjin Choi, a postdoctoral researcher at UC Riverside, is a recipient of the 2019-20 M. Hildred Blewett Fellowship awarded by the American Physical Society, or APS, to enable women to return to physics research after having had an interruption in their careers. Choi, who works with Shan-Wen Tsai, an associate professor in the Department of...
Bees on purple flower

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about bees

World Bee Day is May 20. To mark the occasion, we gathered some of UC Riverside’s top bee experts to answer questions submitted on our Instagram page. The response created, for lack of a better term, quite a buzz! We got so many questions — hundreds — that we could not answer them all on...
By Jules Bernstein | UCR News |

UCR CNAS student awarded scholarship for program offering mentorship to female students

UC Riverside student Jennifer Le is one of 14 recipients of the Donald A. Strauss Public Service Scholarship for a project seeking to close the gender gap in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, or STEM. The Donald A. Strauss Public Service Scholarship Foundation provides $15,000 scholarships to college sophomores and juniors to fund...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
Dr. Prue Talbot in a lab with students

Cell biologist to study coronavirus-related infection of respiratory cells

Prue Talbot, a professor of cell biology at UC Riverside, has received a seed grant to study the COVID-19-related infection of respiratory cells. She and her team will use the funds to test the hypothesis that electronic cigarettes and nicotine increase the ACE2 receptor on respiratory epithelium, providing more binding sites for the virus and...
Dr. Kenneth Barish in Physics classroom

Physicist named deputy spokesperson for major international experiment at Brookhaven National Lab

Kenneth Barish, chair of the UCR Department of Physics and Astronomy, has been named one of two deputy spokespersons for the STAR Experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, or RHIC, at the Brookhaven National Lab. The Solenoid Tracker at RHIC, known as STAR, is the only major experiment currently operating at RHIC and tracks...
Nathaniel Gabor (c) UCR

Physicist to study bacteria undergoing photosynthesis

Last year, physicist Nathaniel Gabor was one of two UC Riverside professors awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government for scientists and engineers at the beginning stages of their careers. The award to Gabor includes a $1 million research budget from the Air Force...
Acute myeloid leukemia

New work advances efforts in finding a cure for acute myeloid leukemia

Jikui Song, an associate professor of biochemistry at UC Riverside, has published new work in Nature Communications that builds on his lab’s recent success in cracking the structure of DNMT3A, an enzyme that plays a key role in DNA methylation. DNA methylation is a process involving the transfer of methyl groups to the DNA molecule...
Dr. Matthew Casselman

Professors honored for their teaching innovation

Three UC Riverside professors have been recognized for their exemplary teaching in the 2019-20 academic year by the Academy of Distinguished Teachers. Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education Jennifer Brown announced the winners Monday, May 4. Her office, in partnership with the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, sponsors the awards. Matthew Casselmanis the 2019-20 recipient...
By University Communications | Inside UCR |
UCR campus with bell tower and sign

May 5th dedicated to helping students affected by COVID-19

Helping UC Riverside students affected by the coronavirus will be the focus of a special Giving Tuesday campaignon May 5. Normally held on the first Tuesday after Black Friday as an international annual day of giving, the global nonprofit behind the campaign organized the upcoming fundraiser as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
National Science Foundation logo (c) NSF

Five students awarded NSF fellowships

Five UC Riverside students have been selected to receive a 2020 Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation, or NSF. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees at accredited U.S. institutions. Fellows often...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |

Manipulating mosquito behavior through their odorant receptors

UC Riverside researchers have published a paper in Cell Reports that addresses an important question in the field of sensory receptor function, particularly for some odorant receptors that function as “heteromers” — receptors with more than one subunit: How do the different subunits of a receptor contribute to the detection of different ligands? Ligands are...

Biochemistry student wins Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

UC Riverside student Jennifer Le is among about 400 college students across the nation to be awarded the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, one of the most prestigious and competitive awards in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematic fields, or STEM. From a pool of over 5,000 sophomores and juniors, 1,343 students were nominated by 461...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
Chemical Sciences building

CNAS graduate students recognized with public policy awards

UC Riverside graduate students, Kavya Samudrala and William Ota, have each been named winners of the 2020 STEM Solutions in Public Policy Award, which recognizes an outstanding proposal for new California state legislation from University of California graduate students in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, or STEM, fields. The winners received a $1,000 research stipend...
Coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus testing for UCR students

The Office of Student Health Services at UC Riverside has a limited number of kits from Quest Diagnostics for COVID-19 testing and is currently using them for designated students who meet Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria. At this time, the office is not offering a drive-thru option, where a student remains in the...
Coronavirus UCR Updates

UCR responds to broadening COVID-19 impacts

As COVID-19 coronavirus impacts broaden across the world, UC Riverside is pointing its campus community to a frequently updated website for the latest related news. The site,, includes updates and frequently asked questions. UCR Coronavirus updates On Saturday, March 14, Chancellor Kim Wilcox announced that the campus is closing, with only critical campus operations...
By UCR News |
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