Dark Matter: Why study it? What makes it so fascinating?

UNIVERSE TODAY - Universe Today has had some incredible discussions with a wide array of scientists regarding impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets, astrobiology, solar physics, comets, planetary atmospheres, planetary geophysics, cosmochemistry, meteorites, radio astronomy, extremophiles, organic chemistry, black holes, cryovolcanism, and planetary protection, and how these intriguing fields contribute to our understanding regarding our place...
By Universe Today |

Astrophysicists offer explanation for origin of one of Milky Way’s largest satellites

SCI.NEWS - “Since its discovery in 2016, there have been many attempts to reproduce Crater II’s unusual properties, but it has proved very challenging,” said University of California, Riverside’s Professor Hai-Bo Yu. Dark matter makes up 85% of the Universe’s matter, and it can form a spherical structure under the influence of gravity called a...
By Staff | Sci.News |

UC Riverside to honor Nobel laureate and physicist Barry Barish

THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE - UC Riverside will salute physicist and Nobel laureate Barry Barish for winning the 2023 National Medal of Science in October. Barish, a distinguished professor of physics and astronomy at UCR, joined the university in 2018. The National Medal of Science is the highest recognition in the nation for scientists and engineers. The...
By Staff Report | The Press-Enterprise |

Researchers solve mystery of inexplicably dense galaxy at the heart of perfect 'Einstein ring' snapped by James Webb telescope

LIVE SCIENCE - Researchers may have solved the mystery of why a distant galaxy surrounded by an eerily perfect "Einstein ring" is denser than it should be: The hefty galaxy, which was discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), is being compressed by a massive halo of dark matter. In a new study, published...
By Harry Baker | Live Science |

Exotic 'Einstein ring' suggests that mysterious dark matter interacts with itself

SPACE.COM - A fresh analysis of a remarkably massive yet compact galaxy from the early universe suggests that dark matter interacts with itself. The galaxy, JWST-ER1, which formed just 3.4 billion years after the Big Bang, was first spotted last October in images snapped by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). At over 17 billion...

By Sharmila Kuthunur | SPACE.COM |

Dark matter and Einstein rings solve ancient galaxy mystery

EARTH.COM - A team of researchers led by Hai-Bo Yu, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of California, Riverside, has shed new light on the enigmatic nature of dark matter through the lens of an ancient galaxy. The study focuses on JWST-ER1g, a massive ancient galaxy discovered by the James Webb Space...
By Eric Ralls | Earth.com |

Dark matter might keep itself company, and that helps solve 2 cosmic puzzles

ASTRONOMY - Maybe dark matter talks to itself, according to a new proposal, and that might just explain two cosmological mysteries at once. Dark matter is the name astronomers give to the mysterious substance that makes up the bulk of all matter in the universe. Upwards of 80 percent of the mass of a galaxy...
By Paul Sutter | Astronomy |

UCR Distinguished Professor, Barry Barish, is awarded the 2023 National Medal of Science

THE HIGHLANDER NEWSPAPER - Professor Barish began his role at Riverside in 2018, after winning the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics for his observations of gravitational waves which contributed to Einstein’s general theory of relativity. In an exclusive interview with the Highlander News, he states that the LIGO Lab’s research, which he received the Nobel...
By Alexandra Arcenas | The Highlander |

'Dark force' theory could solve 2 open cosmic mysteries

SPACE.COM - A new theory that suggests dark matter is made up of particles that strongly interact with each other via a so-called "dark force." If true, this may finally explain the extreme densities we see in dark matter haloes surrounding galaxies. The existence of particles called self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) acts as an alternative...
By Robert Lea | Space.com |

Webb telescope spots the most distant Milky Way-like galaxy yet

CNN - Astronomers have spied an intriguing phenomenon in the distant universe — a galaxy that closely resembles the Milky Way — and it’s challenging key theories on how galaxies evolve. The faraway system, called ceers-2112, was spotted by an international team using the James Webb Space Telescope. Like our home galaxy, the newly discovered...
By Ashley Strickland | CNN |
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