Webb discovery defies what we know about Milky Way-like galaxies

MASHABLE - Astronomers previously thought it took billions of years for galaxies to become stable enough to develop so-called "bars," ribbons of stars and gas that cut across the core of a galaxy. The Milky Way is an example of a barred spiral galaxy. But a new James Webb Space Telescope discovery means scientists might...
By Elisha Sauers | Mashable |

Electrons caught going around the bend

PHYSICS WORLD - Taking inspiration from the flow of air around aeroplane wings, researchers in the US have imaged photoexcited electrons flowing around sharp bends for the first time. Because such bends are often found in integrated optoelectronic circuits, observing the electrons’ “streamlines” could lead to improvements in circuit design. More than 80 years ago...
By Isabelle Dumé | Physics World |
Annular Eclipse Through Telescope October 14, 2023

CNAS Department of Physics & Astronomy Hosts Annular Eclipse Viewing Party

RIVERSIDE, CA - Hundreds of visitors flocked to UC Riverside last Saturday for an annular solar eclipse viewing party hosted by the College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences' (CNAS) Physics & Astronomy department. Unlike a total eclipse, an annular eclipse in one in which the moon does not cover the entire disc of the sun...

The 10 biggest (non-COVID!) science stories you might have missed in 2020

UC NEWS - 2020’s news cycle was dominated by COVID-19 stories, and for good reason: It’s been a year like no other. However, there were plenty of groundbreaking discoveries in 2020 that didn’t get the spotlight they deserved. These stories would have been big news in any other year, but were often overshadowed by the...
By Rana Freedman | University of California News |

How much Matter Is in the Universe? Scientists finally find the number

POPULAR MECHANICS - Scientists say they’ve calculated an answer to one of the thorniest questions in all of cosmology and physics: how much matter is in the universe? To find the best answer, the University of California, Riverside researchers combined robust mathematical models with existing knowledge of galaxy clusters, which helped them find the most...
By Caroline Delbert | Popular Mechanics |
Diversity / pixabay.com

Physics and Astronomy joins elite group promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion

The UCR Department of Physics and Astronomy has been accepted to the American Physical Society Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance, or APS-IDEA, joining a consortium of physics departments, laboratories, and research collaborations committed to improving equity, diversity, and inclusion. APS-IDEA, a network of nearly 100 institutions worldwide, addresses long-standing, systemic barriers that have led to...
By Iqbal Pittalwala | Inside UCR |

What's the matter with the Universe? Scientists have the answer

MSN NEWS - A team of US astrophysicists has produced one of the most precise measurements ever made of the total amount of matter in the Universe, a longtime mystery of the cosmos. The answer, published in The Astrophysical Journal on Monday, is that matter accounts for 31.5 percent -- give or take 1.3 percent...
By Issam Ahmed | AFP |
Dr. Ken Barish in Physics 2000 classroom

CNAS meets Living the Promise campaign goal

A gift made anonymously to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UC Riverside has helped the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, or CNAS, in which the department is housed, meet and surpass its goal of raising $100 million toward the $300 million Living the Promise campaign, the university’s first ever comprehensive fundraising campaign...
By Iqbal Pittalwala | Inside UCR |

The new pandemic hobby: gazing at the stars

WALL STREET JOURNAL - It's too hot to bake yet another peach pie and too late in the season to start a victory garden, but it is a prime time to ponder the night sky. More than 60 places around the country have been designated as exemplary stargazing sites by the International Dark-Sky Association, which...
By Adam H. Graham | Wall Street Journal |
Dr. Nathaniel Gabor with "monster model"

Creating through crises

As the coronavirus pandemic continues across the U.S., many are finding that discovering and engaging in creative hobbies offers a welcome outlet for stress and anxiety. But sustaining the motivation to create during times of high stress can be challenging. Members of the UCR community share the ways they have been exploring their own creativity...
By Jessica Weber | UCR News |
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