Did the James Webb Space Telescope really find life beyond Earth? Scientists aren't so sure

SPACE.COM - Recent reports of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) detecting signs of life of a distant planet outside the solar system are, unfortunately, somewhat premature. That's the conclusion of research conducted by scientists from the University of California Riverside (UCR). While likely to disappoint all of us eager for the confirmation of extraterrestrial...
By Robert Lea | Space.com |

No, the James Webb Space Telescope probably didn't detect signs of alien life — but it soon could

LIVE SCIENCE - The contentious exoplanet, called K2-18b, is a warm, watery world with a hydrogen-based atmosphere. Located about 120 light-years from Earth, it sits in the habitable zone around its home star, where liquid water (and, therefore, potentially life) is possible. The distant world made headlines last year after observations with JWST's Near Infrared...
By Brandon Specktor | Live Science |

Why alien life might look purple

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC - When inspecting the cosmos for potentially habitable worlds, scientists have long looked for the color green. Green is the fundamental color of life on Earth, after all. But what if life on faraway planets wasn’t green at all? In fact, what if it were purple? Signatures of habitable worlds Astronomers look for...

By Alice Sun | National Geographic |

Inhospitable Venus could hold clues to finding extraterrestrial life

COSMOS MAGAZINE - A new paper argues that the search for life outside our planet could be aided by looking in an unexpected place: the extremely hot, toxic planet Venus. Venus is uninhabitable. It’s like our planet’s evil twin, with a diameter only 5% smaller than Earth’s. But the average surface temperature on Venus is...
By Evrim Yazgin | Cosmos Magazine |

How the ‘hellish’ planet Venus can help us find alien life

EARTH.COM - Despite its extreme conditions, featuring surface temperatures that can melt lead, volcanoes that spew lava, and thick clouds of sulfuric acid, Venus provides invaluable insights into the search for life on other planets, according to a new study from UC Riverside. “We often assume that Earth is the model of habitability, but if...
By Andrei Ionescu | Earth.com |

Venus Exploration Remains Key To Understanding Exo-Earths, Says Paper

FORBES - To paraphrase Winston Churchill, our sister planet Venus remains a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. Remarkably similar in size, mass, and bulk makeup, today, Earth and Venus couldn't be more different. Earth is an ecological utopia while Venus is a poster child for planetary desolation. The conventional view is that...
By Bruce Dorminey | Forbes |

Radiating exoplanet discovered in “perfect tidal storm”

UNIVERSE TODAY - Can tidal forces cause an exoplanet’s surface to radiate heat? This is what a recent study accepted to The Astronomical Journal hopes to address as a team of international researchers used data collected from ground-based instruments to confirm the existence of a second exoplanet residing within the exoplanetary system, HD 104067, along...
By Laurence Tognetti | Universe Today |

Increased CO2 is making wildfires more frequent by making plants grow faster

EARTH.COM - We tend to think of wildfires as being caused by hot weather and drought. And for good reason – those weather conditions make plants tinder-dry. But a new study from the University of California, Riverside is flipping that idea on its head. Turns out, the biggest culprit in mega wildfires might be something...
By Sanjana Gajbhiye | Earth.com |

Why Extrasolar Earths Will Also Have Trees

FORBES - With spring in the Northern Hemisphere in full bloom, forests are again beckoning hikers onto paths that wend their way through thousands of acres of old growth trees. Such forests not only offer salve for the soul, but their role in Earth’s ecology is arguably crucial to the health of our planet. But...
By Bruce Dorminey | Forbes |

Don’t Panic, But A Lot of Stars Seem to Eat Their Own Planets

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN - Is our solar system quotidian or quirky? It’s one of the greatest questions in astronomy, and scientists are getting a little bit of a handle on it as they examine the more than 5,500 exoplanets (and counting) discovered around other stars. Reaching an answer is, however, confounded by a rather dramatic problem...

By Robin George Andrews | Scientific American |
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