Latest College News

cooked weevil larvae (c) Hoddle Lab / UCR

Eating Insects: Like Them Stir Fried or Curried?

UC Riverside's Mark Hoddle helps Canadian research team win the Hult Prize On Sept. 23, the Clinton Global Initiative awarded the Hult Prize, worth $1 million, to a team of student entrepreneurs at McGill University, Canada. Mark Hoddle, the director of the Center for Invasive Species Research at the University of California, Riverside, served as...
Harry Green (c) Green Lab / UCR

Geologists Simulate Deep Earthquakes in the Laboratory

UC Riverside-French team simulates deep earthquakes in the laboratory, confirming phase transition of olivine is trigger for earthquakes occurring at depths below 400 kilometers. More than 20 years ago, geologist Harry Green, now a distinguished professor of the graduate division at the University of California, Riverside, and colleagues discovered a high-pressure failure mechanism that they...
Siana inside a telescope mirror (c) Barbara Schaefer / Keck Observatory

2013-09-16 Research Project to Capture Infrared View of Distant Universe (Siana, Reddy)

UC Riverside astronomers begin large survey of distant galaxies using new instrument. Astronomers at the University of California, Riverside have received a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct a very large new survey of galaxies using a new instrument — MOSFIRE — on the Keck I telescope at the summit of Mauna...
Stacey Nwagbara explaining her research (c) I. Pittalwala / UCR

Annual Symposium Brings Out the Best in Undergraduate Research (Cardullo)

The 2013 Summer Research In Science and Engineering (RISE) Symposium, held at the University of California, Riverside campus on Tuesday, Aug. 27, showcased some of the best undergraduate research being done at the university in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. The symposium marked the end of a ten-week research and academic enrichment...
Entomology Society of America logo

Entomological Society of America honors Stouthamer, Paine

The 2013 awards will be presented at the society’s annual meeting in Austin, Texas, in November. Richard Stouthamer, a professor of entomology, was honored with the Recognition Award in Entomology, which recognizes entomologists who are making significant contributions to agriculture. The award is sponsored by Syngenta Crop Protection. Stouthamer is the author of more than...
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