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Welcome New CNAS Faculty

Meet the newest faculty members in the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences for 2017

Also see pictures from the 2017 New Faculty Reception. Garret Anderson Garret Anderson is an assistant professor of neuroscience in the Department of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota, followed by postdoctoral research at Stanford University in molecular neuroscience. His research interests are in investigating the molecular...
Dr. Frances Sladek

CNAS names new Divisional Dean of Life Sciences

Frances Sladek will succeed Peter Atkinson on July 1, 2017 Frances Sladek, professor of cell biology and toxicologist, has been named the Divisional Dean for Life Sciences in the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS). She will succeed Peter Atkinson, professor of entomology, who has served in this position since 2012. Sladek’s three-year appointment...
2016-2017 CNAS Scholarship Recipients (c) UCR

2016 – 2017 CNAS Scholarship Recipients Announced

2016 – 2017 CNAS Scholarship Recipients Announced The College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Executive Committee announced the recipients of the 2016 – 2017 CNAS scholarships. Among the recipients were two CNAS Science Ambassadors, Amanda Tedesco and Abigail Burr (pictured here) and UCR's recent Goldwater Scholar, Shannon Sweitzer. A full list of recipients is listed...
SHINES poster for 2016 workshop (c) UCR

SHINES to Host Workshop on Spintronics and Thermal Transport

With support from the Vice Chancellor for Research, UCR's Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) on Spins and Heat in Nanoscale Electronic Systems (SHINES) will hold a workshop at UCR’s Palm Desert Center on January 12-13, 2017. The workshop will focus on the most recent development at the frontiers of spintronics and thermal transport in nano-materials...
Joselyn Soto (c) UCR

Soto Awarded SACNAS Student Presentation Award

Undergraduate student Joselyn Soto was awarded a SACNAS Student Presentation Award for her presentation, “Morphological and Functional Consequences of Hippocampal Demyelination and Remyelination-Induced Recovery,” at 2016 SACNAS: The National Diversity in STEM Conference in Long Beach, Calif., Oct. 13-15. In a message to Ernest Martinez, associate professor of biochemistry and director of UCR’s MARC U-STAR...
Welcome New CNAS Faculty

Welcome to new CNAS faculty 2016

Please view short biographies and portraits of our new faculty members and the new dean. Welcome! Hoori Ajami Hoori Ajami, assistant professor of groundwater hydrology in the Department of Environmental Sciences, earned her Ph.D. in hydrology at University of Arizona. Her research interests are in the areas of catchment hydrology, groundwater recharge, surface water-groundwater interactions...
Umar Mohideen (c) UCR

Mohideen Named Divisional Dean of Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Dear Colleagues, i am pleased to announce that Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy Umar Mohideen has agreed to serve as Divisional Dean of Physical Sciences and Mathematics for the college, effective July 1, 2016. He will replace Professor of Chemistry Cindy Larive, who has been chosen to serve the university...
Honors Convocation 2016 (c) UCR

CNAS Students Recognized at Honors Convocation

Students from the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences were recognized at the 30th Annual Honors Convocation hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Education in the University Theatre on Monday, May 23, 2016. Congratulations to students for the following honors. Included are the comments about their achievements provided during the ceremony: Marguleas/Weiman Humanitarian of the...
| Science Ambassador
Cynthia Larive (c) UCR

Larive Named Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

May 19, 2016 Dear Campus Community: I am delighted to announce that Dr. Cindy Larive, Professor of Chemistry and Divisional Dean for Physical Sciences and Mathematics in the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, has agreed to serve as our next Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education effective July 1, 2016. Dr. Larive, who received her...
Robert Haddon

Remembering Robert Cort Haddon

In Memoriam Robert Cort Haddon UCR distinguished professor of Chemistry and of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Robert Cort Haddon, UCR distinguished professor of Chemistry and of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, and Director of the Center for Nanoscale Science & Engineering, passed away April 21, 2016. Haddon is best known for the prediction and discovery of...
Mark Alber (c) UCR

Distinguished Professor Mark S. Alber to Join UCR’s Department of Mathematics

The University of California, Riverside, is pleased to announce that Distinguished Professor Mark S. Alber will join the faculty in the CNAS Department of Mathematics effective June 30, 2016. Professor Alber is currently the Vincent J. Duncan Family Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics at the University...
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Bruce Chalmers and Professor Emeritus of Entomology Earl Oatman (c) UCR

College Saddened by Loss of Emeritus Faculty Members Chalmers and Oatman

Dear Colleagues, Sadly, one of my first messages to faculty is to inform you of the recent loss of two emeritus colleagues: Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Bruce Chalmers (left), who passed away December 11; and Professor Emeritus of Entomology Earl Oatman (right), who passed away December 13. Professor Chalmers joined the Department of Mathematics in...
Founding Faculty members (c) UCR

Endowed Chairs Honor Founding Faculty

Alumni Donor Pledges $6 Million to Endow Chairs Honoring Chemistry Founding Faculty A generous alumni donor has pledged $6 million to UC Riverside to establish endowed chairs honoring four of the founding faculty of the Department of Chemistry: emeritus professors George Helmkamp, Harold (Harry) Johnson, Donald (Don) Sawyer and Hartland (Hart) Schmidt. They are collectively...
Welcome New CNAS Faculty

CNAS New Faculty 2015

Omar S. Akbari Assistant Professor of Entomology and Assistant Entomologist Department of Entomology Degree Ph.D., Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Nevada, Reno Research Mosquitoes are perhaps the most dangerous animals in the world. They are the primary vectors for major human diseases such as yellow fever, malaria and dengue fever, which together infect hundreds...
Alec C. Gerry (c) UCR

Alec Gerry Receives Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension from the Entomological Society of America

Alec C. Gerry, a professor of veterinary entomology and extension specialist has been selected to receive the Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension from the Entomological Society of America (ESA). He will be presented with the award at the ESA’s annual meeting in November 2015. Gerry received his bachelor’s degree in biology at UC Berkeley and...

Emma Aronson Receives Two Grants from NSF

Emma Aronson, an assistant professor of plant pathology and microbiology, has received two grants from the National Science Foundation for conducting research on projects aimed at generating a greater understanding of the microbial role in biogeochemical cycling. “These projects will deepen an existing understanding of the role of microorganisms in regulating biogeochemical processes,” Aronson said...
UCR Seal

CNAS Faculty Recognized at Chancellor’s Awards Reception

Several members of the CNAS faculty were recognized at the 2014-2015 Faculty Awards Reception held on May 26 at Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox’s residence. The celebration also recognized faculty members who received significant national and Senate awards in the past academic school year. Distinguished Campus Service Award Michael Allen, plant pathology and microbiology Faculty Research...
honors award group (c) UCR

Ceremony Recognizes 2015 CNAS Honors Students

The College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences recognized the 137 students who will graduate with honors in 2015 with a ceremony in the Spieth Hall Courtyard on Friday, June 5. Presiding over the ceremony was Dean Marylynn V. Yates and presenting the students with their medals were Divisional Deans Peter W. Atkinson, Cynthia K. Larive...
George Helmkamp at a bookshelf (c) UCR

College Saddened by Passing of George K. Helmkamp

Dean Marylynn V. Yates issued the following announcement today: Dear Colleagues, I am once again saddened to announce the passing of one of our pioneering faculty members. George K. Helmkamp, who was the second person hired in chemistry in 1953, died March 28, 2015, at the age of 94. Professor Helmkamp received his B.A. from...
NSF logo

CNAS Students Awarded Prestigious Fellowships and Scholarships

Seven CNAS students have won Graduate Research Fellowships (GRFs) from the National Science Foundation (NSF) based on their demonstrated potential for significant achievements in science and engineering. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) recognizes and supports outstanding students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at...
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