Latest CNAS in the Media

Experts on heat waves

UCR NEWS - Robert Allen, assistant professor of climatology. Allen uses climate models in his research and can talk to reporters about how such models can improve our understanding of climate change. “Several observational studies have shown the frequency of occurrence of extreme warm temperatures has increased,” he says. Cameron Barrows: Research ecologist at...
By Jules Bernstein | UCR News |

Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.

THE NEW YORK TIMES - Some of the nation’s leading public health experts are raising a new concern in the endless debate over coronavirus testing in the United States: The standard tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus. Any test with a cycle threshold above...
By Apoorva Mandavilli | The New York Times |

Monitoring Argentine Ant populations

CA AG TODAY - The Argentine Ant is a problem in citrus orchards and vineyards mostly because it protects sap-sucking pests from natural predators. Entomologist Dr. Mark Hoddle and his team at UC Riverside have created a tool to help farmers more effectively manage these ants based on the fact that the like to move...
By Tim Hammerich | California Ag Today |

New Asian Citrus Psyllid Research set to begin in 2021

AGNET WEST - An important research project looking at Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) is set to begin early next year. Extension Specialist at UC Riverside, Monique Rivera said they were recently notified that their new research project has been approved for funding support. The project is going to take a closer look at the phenology...
By Brian German | AgNet West |

Water contaminant could have neurotoxic effects on children

CANADIAN LIGHT SOURCE - Manganese isn’t considered a major water contaminant in America, but a new study is taking a closer look at whether it should be. A naturally occurring metal, manganese can be found in water supplies throughout the world. Over time, excessive ingestion of manganese can produce cognitive disabilities in children and symptoms...
By Victoria Schramm | Canadian Light Source |

The new pandemic hobby: gazing at the stars

WALL STREET JOURNAL - It's too hot to bake yet another peach pie and too late in the season to start a victory garden, but it is a prime time to ponder the night sky. More than 60 places around the country have been designated as exemplary stargazing sites by the International Dark-Sky Association, which...
By Adam H. Graham | Wall Street Journal |

Some stars could support as many as 7 habitable planets

UNIVERSE TODAY - In recent decades, over 4,000 extrasolar planets have been confirmed beyond our Solar System. With so many planets available for study, astronomers have learned a great deal about the types of planets that exist out there and what kind of conditions are prevalent. For instance, they have been able to get a...
By Matt Williams | Universe Today |

The Bugs and the Bees: A guide to Entomology outreach, even during a pandemic

ENTOMOLOGY TODAY - Insects have important roles as both heroes and villains, as well as neutral house guests either feared or ignored, and their ubiquity makes them accessible to both civilians and scientists. Entomology outreach is an essential part of inviting the public to learn about these characters. Frequently, graduate students are at the forefront...
By Tessa Shates | Entomology Today |

Phylloxera breakthrough brings hope to Vineyards

WINE-SEARCHER - An end might be in sight to the long-running war between vineyard owners and their greatest enemy – phylloxera. The genome of the phylloxera, an insect that caused plagues that devastated European vines in the 19th Century and has remained a potent threat ever since has been mapped by an international team involving...
By Staff | Wine Searcher |

Ag officials in multiple states issue warnings about unsolicited shipments of foreign seeds

FOX 11 - People around the country have been receiving mysterious packets of seeds in the mail. UCR Plant physiologist Milt McGiffen explains (view video) why it's a bad idea to put these seeds in the ground. Agriculture departments across the country are investigating after mysterious unsolicited packages of seeds reportedly sent from China have...
By Bill Melugin | FOX11 Los Angeles |

AI-based method predicts smell of chemicals

AZOROBOTICS - With the help of machine learning, two scientists from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) have effectively interpreted the smell of chemicals—a breakthrough study that could prove useful in the fragrance and food flavor sectors. "We now can use artificial intelligence to predict how any chemical is going to smell to humans. Chemicals...
By Staff | AZoRobotics |

Exotic Australian fruit may help save Florida's citrus industry

NPR - There's some good news in the long-running battle against a disease that's devastated Florida's signature crop, oranges. Researchers are developing tools to help control citrus greening, a disease that has killed thousands of acres of orange and grapefruit trees. One of the most promising treatments was recently developed in a fruit most people...
By Greg Allen | NPR |

Long-distance palm weevil flyers threaten California date palms

ENTOMOLOGY TODAY - How long and how fast an invasive insect travels are important questions to determine the insect’s impact on plant (or animal) hosts. A new study by University of California, Riverside, researchers shows that Rhynchophorous palmarum, also known as the American or black palm weevil, can fly much further and faster than expected...
By Andrew Porterfield | Entomology Today |

A UC Riverside researcher may have discovered a way to save our citrus trees

LOS ANGELES TIMES - Attention home gardeners: Our beloved citrus trees may yet be saved from the incurable huanglongbing, a.k.a. HLB or citrus greening disease, thanks to natural immunities found in a rare and flavorful relative known as the Australian finger lime. After five years of study, a team of UC Riverside researchers led by...
By Jeanette Marantos | Los Angeles Times |

These 'Fitbits For Chickens' Reveal Parasite Infestations

AMAZE LAB - "The trend in egg sales is 'cage free,' but that doesn't necessarily mean the chickens are insect free," said UC Riverside entomologist Amy Murillo. View the video
By Amaze Lab |

How to tell if an avocado is bad

FOOD52 - A few years ago, an Australian company called Naturo Technologies invented a machine—the Natavo Zero, aka the Avocado Time Machine. This ATM supposedly miraculously slows the avocado ripening process, keeping it from turning brown for up to 10 days without the use of chemicals—or olive oil, or lemon juice, or red onion. (Naturo...
By Sarah Jampel | Food52 |

Plants are green because they reject harmful colors

INSIDE SCIENCE - Forget showing your true colors -- plants are green precisely because they don’t appreciate the type of energy that falls within the green spectrum. Researchers have long understood that plants use sunlight to photosynthesize carbon dioxide and water into food. But they didn’t know exactly why photosynthesizing organisms such as plants appear...
By Joshua Learn | Inside Science |

UC ANR to work with farmers to apply artificial intelligence technologies in the field

UC ANR - UC Agriculture and Natural Resources will receive $865,000 to help farmers in the Colorado River basin and the Salinas Valley integrate digital tools and artificial intelligence into their growing systems. The funds are part of a $10 million Sustainable Agricultural Systems grant from the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture to...
By Jeannette E. Warnert | UC Agriculture and Natural Resources |

Plant vesicles inspire methods to protect crops

NATURE OUTLOOK - Biologists studying extracellular RNA (exRNA) — and the tiny spherical structures known as exosomes that shuttle this genetic information from cell to cell — typically focus on mammals. As long ago as the 1960s, however, scientists found that plant cells also generate vesicles that carry cargo out of the cell membrane. But...
By Roxanne Khamsi | Nature Outlook: Extracellular RNA |

Governor Newsom must make a priority of funding our UCs

THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE - Gov. Gavin Newsom recently announced a projected $54 billion budget deficit for California. As a result, the University of California faces budget cuts. But the UC system is already running in starvation mode from cuts made during the last recession. Now is the time to invest in research and higher education. It...
By Sydney Glassman (UCR Department of Microbiology & Plant Pathology) | The Press-Enterprise |
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