Latest CNAS in the Media

Common flame retardant chemicals cause mice offspring to develop diabetes

IFL SCIENCE - Chemicals commonly used in flame retardants can lead to diabetes in the offspring of female mice exposed to them, according to a study published in Scientific Reports. The substances are known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). For the study, the scientists exposed mice to low levels of PBDEs during their pregnancy and...
By Staff | IFL Science |

Newly found proteins stop fungal “bleeding”

THE SCIENTIST - Mycelium is the fabric of fungal populations: fungi produce thread-like roots called hyphae, which branch and fuse with one another to form a vast, interconnected network—the mycelium. It allows fungi to grow rapidly, transport nutrients, and even share information about the local environment over long distances. The network is also vulnerable; a...
By Viviane Callier | The Scientist online |

Making sense of biologicals: biological delivering targeted ant bait sustainably

AG NET WEST - Ants can be a compounding issue for growers. Although the pest doesn’t always directly impact the crop or quality, they do hinder protective measures. UC Riverside Biological Control Specialist Dr. Mark Hoddle said ants quickly became a big problem in their citrus research when releasing the parasitic wasp tamarixia radiata. Hoddle...
By Staff | AG Net West |

How algae survived a mass extinction

SCIENCE FRIDAY - Sixty-six million years ago when an asteroid slammed into what is now the Yucatan peninsula, it set off a period of near global darkness for almost two years. Scientists think a majority of land species went extinct during that time, but what was going on in the planet’s oceans? And how were...
By Ira Flotow | Science Friday |

Wildfires spark burn recovery study at 9 UC Natural Reserves

UCNRS - August wildfires incinerated tens of thousands of acres across seven UC Natural Reserves and affected parkland adjacent to two more reserves. This fall, the UC Natural Reserve System (NRS) will deploy rapid response teams to characterize the extent and intensity of the burns, as well as the effects of wildfire on a wide...
By Kathleen Wong | UCR NRS |

Q & A with Dr. Xuemei Chen

SCIENCE DIRECT - Xuemei Chen grew up in the northeastern city of Harbin in China and received her BS degree in Biology from Peking University in Beijing. She came to the USA in 1989 to pursue her PhD at Cornell University. Under the supervision of David Stern at the Boyce Thompson Institute, she used molecular...
By ScienceDirect Staff |

Algae survived the post-dinosaur-killing asteroid darkness by eating other creatures

IFL SCIENCE - One of the most extraordinary things about the impact of an asteroid that hit Earth 66 million years ago is not what died, but what survived. A new study found that one order of marine algae made it through by changing its source of energy, feeding on other life forms instead of...
By Stephen Luntz | IFL Science |

Termites can't hide from heat and essential oils, finds UCCE study

UC ANR - Termites can eat you out of house and home by chewing through wood and weakening the structure. The results of a new termite study led by entomologists at UC Riverside may enable homeowners to rid their homes of termites with a safer, effective pest control approach. “Combining a volatile essential oil with...
By Pamela Kan-Rice | UC Agricultural & Natural Resources |

Taking a look at the risk of landslides in wildfire burn zones

KTVU - University of California Riverside environmental sciences doctoral student James Guilinger joins Mornings on 2 to talk about his research into landslides and the increased risk in burn zones. James talks about the possible dramatic problems a small amount of rain can cause. He also chats about how to stay safe if you live...

How much Matter Is in the Universe? Scientists finally find the number

POPULAR MECHANICS - Scientists say they’ve calculated an answer to one of the thorniest questions in all of cosmology and physics: how much matter is in the universe? To find the best answer, the University of California, Riverside researchers combined robust mathematical models with existing knowledge of galaxy clusters, which helped them find the most...
By Caroline Delbert | Popular Mechanics |

UC Riverside creates on-campus testing lab, tests students twice per week

KNBC-TV / TELEMUNDO -- KNBC speaks with members of the UCR campus community about the new COVID-19 testing lab on campus. Watch the video on KNBC-TV: Watch video in English Watch the video on Telemundo: Watch video in Spanish

1,000 years ago, humans drove birds to extinction in The Bahamas

FORBES - Humans driving extinctions is nothing new. In North America, humans are likely responsible for the loss of ice age era mammoths and mastodons. in South America, humans — alongside climate change — led to the loss of many species, including giant ground slots. And, of course, we are currently driving the planet’s sixth...
By Priya Shukla | Forbes |

UC Riverside unveils on-campus coronavirus testing lab

FORBES - UC Riverside is doing its own testing for the novel coronavirus. The Inland Empire campus of about 25,000 students opened a COVID-19 testing laboratory in September and is processing 400 test samples per day, said Rodolfo Torres, vice chancellor for research and economic development. “We’ve been operating at full speed,” Torres said. And...
By David Downey | The Press-Enterprise |

Dr. Julia Bailey-Serres: Researching flood resistance in rice and other plants

PEOPLE BEHIND THE SCIENCE PODCAST - Dr. Julia Bailey-Serres is Director of the Center for Plant Cell Biology and Distinguished Professor of Genetics at the University of California, Riverside. She also holds the University of California John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Chair and is Professor of Rice Physiology at Utrecht University in the...
By PBtS Staff | People Behind the Science Podcast |

What's the matter with the Universe? Scientists have the answer

MSN NEWS - A team of US astrophysicists has produced one of the most precise measurements ever made of the total amount of matter in the Universe, a longtime mystery of the cosmos. The answer, published in The Astrophysical Journal on Monday, is that matter accounts for 31.5 percent -- give or take 1.3 percent...
By Issam Ahmed | AFP |

Researchers working to grow algae for biofuels in the dark using solar energy

FORBES - In the dark? That’s not how we normally think of plants being grown. But it’s a method that could be used to grow algae as a renewable fuel source, with even better results than regular ol’ sunlight. The researchers working on this are from University of California, Riverside (UCR) and it’s part of...
By Jeff Kart | Forbes |

UC Riverside wins grant to bring Artificial Intelligence to the Colorado River Basin

CA AG TODAY - The University of California, Riverside recently won a $10 million grant to develop artificial intelligence to improve environmental and economic stability throughout the western U.S. Elia Scudiero is a Research Agronomist at UC Riverside. “This will bring together university personnel and Ag-Tech companies that will provide training that will serve the...
By Tim Hammerich | California Ag Today |

Venus phosphine find: Unexplained gas hints at potential for alien life

CNET - Scientists have spotted something unexpected in the cloud decks of Venus, our nearest planetary neighbor. While no one is saying it's aliens just yet, some sort of alien microorganism is on the list of potential explanations for why a chemical that shouldn't be floating around above the planet has been observed there for...
By Eric Mack, Jackson Ryan | CNET |

Why does the West Coast’s sky look like literal Hell right now?

SLATE - You know things have gone off the rails if people are arguing about whether it looks like Mars or Venus where they live. In case you missed it, fires are burning across the Western U.S., and thick wildfire smoke has enveloped regions of California and Oregon. As a result, residents of Salem and...
By Jane C. Hu | Slate |

New climate change prediction spells disaster for valley tourism

KESQ - A Cathedral City student is sounding the alarm about climate change and potentially devastating effects on tourism in the Coachella Valley. Cindy Yañez is a graduate student researcher in earth system science. In a new climate change study for UC Riverside, she predicts increasing temperature could shorten the snowbird season by several months...
By Jake Ingrassia | KESQ News Channel 3 |
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