Monitoring Argentine Ant populations

CA AG TODAY - The Argentine Ant is a problem in citrus orchards and vineyards mostly because it protects sap-sucking pests from natural predators. Entomologist Dr. Mark Hoddle and his team at UC Riverside have created a tool to help farmers more effectively manage these ants based on the fact that the like to move...
By Tim Hammerich | California Ag Today |

Long-distance palm weevil flyers threaten California date palms

ENTOMOLOGY TODAY - How long and how fast an invasive insect travels are important questions to determine the insect’s impact on plant (or animal) hosts. A new study by University of California, Riverside, researchers shows that Rhynchophorous palmarum, also known as the American or black palm weevil, can fly much further and faster than expected...
By Andrew Porterfield | Entomology Today |

Want to save your citrus trees? Start a full-fledged insect war

LOS ANGELES TIMES - Growing citrus is a dicey business these days in Southern California, and not at all recommended if you live within a two-mile radius of a tree infected with Huanglongbing disease — a.k.a. HLB or citrus greening disease. However, if you live outside a “red zone” and you’re willing to actively fight...
By Jeanette Marrantos | LA Times |
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