Dr. Laura Sales, UCR

NSF CAREER Award supports astronomer's quest to further understand the universe

Laura Sales first fell in love with astronomy when she was in middle school in Argentina, her country of birth. Today, she is an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at UC Riverside and the recipient of the National Science Foundation's prestigious Faculty Early Career Development ( CAREER) Award, one of the most coveted recognitions...
By Eureka Alert | AAAS |

Supermassive black holes stop star formation in dwarf galaxies

ASTRONOMY ONLINE - Astronomers know that most galaxies house supermassive black holes in their centers, from the largest galaxies down to small dwarfs. They also know that when supermassive black holes are actively feeding, they can slow or even stop the formation of stars in their home. Although this relationship has been well established for...
By Alison Klesman | Astronomy online |
Milky Way

The Milky Way galaxy stole a few tiny galaxies from a neighbor

CNN online ⁠— Our large galaxy, the Milky Way, is orbited by more than 50 other, smaller galaxies. But astronomers recently discovered that some of these galaxies were kidnapped from neighboring large dwarf galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud. The Large Magellanic Cloud, so called because it appears like a faint cloud, is also on a...
By Ashley Strickland | CNN |
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