New magnetic nanoparticles can safely rewarm tissues for transplants

By Mrigakshi Dixit | Interesting Engineering |

INTERESTING ENGINEERING - In organ transplantation, time is of the utmost importance as organs’ quality degrades rapidly during transportation.

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside, have developed a new technique that could extend the lifespan of human tissues for transplantation.


In this new development, the researchers have developed a method to rapidly and evenly thaw frozen tissues. This technique may reduce the risk of damage caused by ice crystal formation.

Nanowarming uses magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic fields to thaw frozen tissues.

“Magnetic nanoparticles with extremely small size and high dispersity are co-loaded into tissue with cryoprotective agents (CPAs). In contrast to traditional convective heating from external regions of tissue, nanowarming is achieved through the nanoparticle’s heat generation from the internal space of tissue, realizing much more uniform and faster heating,” Yadong Yin, who led this study, told Interesting Engineering (IE)

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