Soybean oil component is linked to digestive issues, UC Riverside study shows

By Denise Dador | ABC 7 (KABC) |

ABC 7 - Soy lecithin, which comes from soybean oil, makes foods creamier. It's also an inexpensive ingredient in cooking oils, where UC Riverside researchers say that's where we get most of it.

"It's been a huge increase and that increase happened primarily over the 1960s and the 1970s," said toxicologist Frances Sladek.

Sladek says that tofu, soy milk and other soy proteins are fine. The concern is the linoleic acid found in soybean oil. Our bodies need 1-2% daily, but many Americans take in 8-10%.

"And that's what the problem is," remarked Sladek. "It's really an issue of the amount of soybean oil and hence the amount of linoleic acid that we are taking in."

In animal studies, microbiology researcher Sonia Deol found excessive linoleic acid to be associated with irritable bowel diseases and a leaky gut.

"In our study, what we have found is that linoleic acid is able to increase the susceptibility to colitis, which is basically an inflamed colon," said Deol. "Linoleic acid decreases the expression of a protein that is very important in maintaining the integrity of the intestinal barrier."

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