Lessons from hummingbirds: Instilling wonder and curiosity in nature

By Ayala Berger | The Press-Enterprise |

THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE - Hummingbirds are a reminder to appreciate and discover the wonder of nature.

Throughout my time studying hummingbirds they have taught me many lessons. I have learned about the sounds they make, where they live, what they eat, where they nest and about the incredible feats of athleticism they display. Hummingbirds have also taught me to continue to wonder, to become ever more curious, observant, and appreciative of the natural world around me.

During my time working toward my doctorate at UCR, I studied the sounds hummingbirds make, specifically the sounds of Anna’s and Costa’s hummingbirds (Calypte anna, C. costae). Anna’s and Costa’s are common residents of much of Southern California. They can be seen fluttering among native flowers, fighting over hummingbird feeders, searching building edges for cobwebs with which they build their nests, hovering in the air while catching and eating gnats and flashing their colorful iridescent throat feathers at one another.

Ayala Berger has held the temporary position of Community Programs Coordinator with Rivers & Lands Conservancy where she continues to volunteer and has a B.A. and B.S. from UC Davis and is a Ph.D. candidate in evolution, ecology, and organismal biology at UC Riverside.

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