White worms ‘rain from sky,’ pummeling Indian town in disturbing video

By Ben Cost | New York Post |

NEW YORK POST - Now-viral footage captured the retch-worthy moment that seemingly thousands of “white worms rained down from the sky” in India like some kind of bizarro biblical plague.

In the alarming clip — filmed Tuesday in Bihar, an East India state bordering Nepal — the creepy-crawlies can be seen hailing down until the road is carpeted with a “thick layer” of the unidentified critters, according to Reuters.

The footage amassed millions of views before plant experts pointed out that the so-called “wormy raindrops” were more likely “catkins” from a species of poplar tree that grows in the region.

Catkins “resemble caterpillars, and that is how they are often described, or as squiggly, worm-like structures,” said Claire Thomas Federici, a botanist with the University of California, Riverside.

“Thus, you can see how the untrained eye would refer to these as worms.”



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